1. Visit Moonlight Blade Official Website: http://wuxia.qq.com/cp/a20150413jhzh/
2. Log in with your QQ account
3. Enter the key, choose the second server "大地飞鹰", fill in the verification code, click the activate button. There will be two sub-servers in 大地飞鹰, we choose 凤凰集.
4. Activation Status Inquiry: http://wuxia.qq.com/cp/a20150413zhcx/index.shtml, enter the verification code
If you see this sentence below, it means your account has been acvtivated successfully.
5. Client Download: http://wuxia.qq.com/download.shtml
Update Time:2015-05-26
Client Size:10.8GB
Operating System:WindowsXP sp3, Windows Vista, Windows7, Windows8
Moonlight BladeBeta Key Giveaway Event:
Moonlight BladeFeature Preview: http://feature.mmosite.com/moonlight-blade/feature_1.shtml
Credit: chanelluo (mmosite)
Link : http://forum.mmosite.com/thread/2/335/20150521/Moonlight_Blade_Guide_How_to_Activate_the_Key_Client_Download-555eb734588f61613-1.html
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